Fire Pipe and Drums

2024 Entertainment line up 
Headliner: The High Kings
Featuring: Rory Makem, Michael Darcy and the Atlantic Tramps, Ballyheigue, The Lads of Dubuque, McNulty Irish Dancers, Dubuque Fire Pipes and Drums and returning MC: Ian Gould
Detailed times to come. 

 Dubuque Fire Pipe and Drums


Pipe and drum band created in July 2009 by public servants from the fire, police & 911 dispatch services.

Contact: Dennis Bradley for booking or

Countdown to the Irish Hooley!

Tickets will be available for purchase starting June 1st, 2024 at the following locations

Shamrock Imports
Happy's Place
Premier Bank Locations
Family Beer and Liquor
Tickets are $15 in advance at these locations.
$20 the day of the Hooley.
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